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The 61st Charhar Institute Roundtable Discussion 




On the 30th of May 2019 the team at BYICAA attended a roundtable discussion 

organised by The  Charhar  Institute. 

Entitled “Brexit, European Parliament Elections and the Future of China-UK and 

China-EU Relations”,  the  seminar was a discussion on how the results from the 

recent European Parliament Elections  would affect the “Golden Era” of China UK 


Speakers were invited from across China and across disciplines to give their 

opinions on the subject.  

The  itinerary of the discussants is listed below: 

Cui Hongjian Senior research fellow and director of the Department of European 

                      Studies at the China Institute of International Studies

Julien Buffet Journalist and language adviser, China International Publishing 

                     Group, La Chine au Présent

Qu Bing Research Fellow at the Institute of European Studies, China Institutes 

             of Contemporary 

              International Relations (CICIR)

Sun Haichao Member of Foreign Affairs Committee of the Charhar Institute, 

                     Director of Center of European Studies at the Foundation for China 

                     Institute of International Studies, Former Chinese Ambassador to 

                     the Central African Republic, and Former Minister-Counselor in 

                     Chinese Embassy in France

Wang Yiwei Senior research fellow and director of Belt & Road Research Center 

                    at the Charhar Institute,  and Jean Monnet chair professor at and 

                    director of the Institute of International Affairs, Renmin University 

                    of China.

Xia Guohan Adjunct fellow of the Charhar Institute, PhD of Toulouse 1 University 

                   Capitole, Lecturer of University of International Relations

Yang Xiepu Associate Professor at the Institute of European Studies, Chinese 

                   Academy of Social Sciences (CASS)

Zhang Guobin Vice President of the National Board of Trustees and Senior 

                       Fellow at the Charhar Institute,  China’s former Counsel General 

                       in Strasbourg

Zhao Huaipu Professor in International Relations, Director of Graduate Studies, 

                     Director of the European Studies Center at CFAU


The Charhar Institute is a leading think tank on international relations and foreign 

policy. It has offices all over Asia and Africa, but the event in question took place 

in their Beijing office.  

Our British intern, Theo Crouch(Philosophy, Politics and Economics BA Universiy of 

Durham), partook in the question-answer proportion of the  event, discussing with 

the panel their thoughts on how the uncertainty surrounding  Britain’s exit from the 

European Union might affect trade deals between China and the UK. 

The event was a great success, with the panel discussing a number of compelling 


发布日期:2019/6/1  本文被浏览了2598次



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