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木炭、丙烯酸、胶带 53x73cm 2014
《无耻的嘴唇》 5x6 英尺 2013
《没有嘴唇》 3x4英尺 2013
《红色》 2013
木炭、纸上丙烯 37x63cm 2015
木炭、纸上丙烯 56x70 cm
木炭、纸上丙烯 56x72cm 2016
Ashok Das(India):
“Scream” in this painting I try to express violence which also part of
peacefulness and as subject humane face became monster and those
expressions are very aggressive and horrifying, and images are painted
abstract then realistic, Medium used silk screen with charcoal line on
paper, which look like very careless and aggressiveness.
“Black” in the painting paint as subject a portrait of blind person and his
felling about life, the painting size is 5x6feet and used acrylic and oil, the
painting dominated by green color and used some decorative motive as
the beauty of nature.
“Shameless lips” As subject Gandhi’s three monkey with modern social
expression and represent everything as an industrial product....mixed
with our industrial and adult culture, Some element like ... wine bottle
and glass, statue of god & goddess. Medium –silk screen, acrylic paint
and charcoal line.
“Smoke” is charcoal drawing on paper and also painted with acrylic
color,in this drawing a human figure...the figure is more realistic then the
other painting (“black”, ‘scream series”, “alcoholic series” ).
“Grey” is another series of drawing during m.f.a 1st year, in this series
used black charcoal, black acrylic and used little red, as a subject of
drawing I painted monster kind of figure, the expression is very
aggressive and horrifying.
My Art works entice the viewer to interact with contemporary scenes from
the vantage point of an unseen onlooker. This creates a psychological
ambiguity that is emphasized by strong forms and colors. "I am trying to
incorporate the elements of detachment and lack of emotions in my work."
My paintings show my continuing obsession with paint as substance.
Each piece is built up in numerous layers, thick and thin, transparent
and opaque-every layer building on the previous and informing the next.
My ambition is to create memorable aesthetic experiences that are
visual rather than conceptual. Sometimes I often repeat the same Forms
but each look same at one time but you can often find difference in each
when you closely towards each, each has its own expressions sometimes
I try to paint personal emotion, sometimes as a subject screaming and
horrifying face which painted with aggressive brush work and in my work,
I deconstruct the human happiness, sadness, Pain, unsatisfied and adul
My medium of works varies from emotions to drawing in charcoal and it
goes on with Painting in Acrylics like the journey of aggression till it
reaches love. The whole process which I under took is very spontaneous
and the works connects me in various way where all are some or the
other way being its part. The process of getting the real feeling of uneven
journey experience is now a never-ending process to me.