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Member of BYICAA Artists / International Artist 会员艺术家/ 国际艺术家

阿拉 赫美迪

Ala Hmedy


我的名字是Ala Hmedy(阿拉 赫美迪),现阶段我正在努力成为一名艺术家,具体地说是“概念艺术家”,正如我希望的。我对写作和艺术专业、绘画、视频艺术、摄影艺术,当然还有装置,都很有兴趣。


自从2009年以来,我是叙利亚文化部许可的持证摄影师,2011至2012年,在本地的杂志任摄影师,参加过数次摄影展,其中有一次摄影展实在比利时举办的。经过筛选,我的3幅摄影作品在2012年12月由Aswa Concours 在布鲁塞尔举办的“阿拉伯世界的妇女与革命”展览中展出。我还参加了2015迪拜的“大图片”展览。






2009年起,自由职业摄影师,自由职业翻译,与几家迪拜公司合作,英语-阿拉伯语,阿拉伯语-英语和法语, 现在居住在柏林



2012 叙利亚文化部摄影师资格证




2010  指纹,叙利亚

2013  阿拉伯世界的女人和革命,比利时

2015  大图片,迪拜

2015  过渡展览。法国



2009年-2011年为期一年半:法国文化中心秘书和公共关系协调员,协调展览和活动, 阿拉伯语教师,教授非阿拉伯语人群学生,负责工作坊和在阿拉伯地区外国学生的课程,大马士革,叙利亚



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"Let me first present myself!"

Ala Hmedy(Syria)

My name's ALA Hmedy, I'm trying in this period of my life to be an artist "conceptual 

artist" specifically, as I hope. I'm interested in writing and arts majors, drawing, video 

art, photography and of course the installation.


I've always been experimenting in different visual arts at school and during my first 

two years of college in Syria. I've had several professional experiences and trainings

in photography and participated in making a short movie in past.


I was a licensed photographer by the Syrian Ministry of Culture since 2009; worked 

in a local magazine as a photographer in 2011-12, and participated in several 

photography exhibition, of which one was in Belgium - after the selection of 3 of my 

photos to be displayed in the exhibition on Women and Revolutions in the Arab world, 

held by Aswa Concours in Brussels in December 2013. And I participated in “the 

big picture” exhibition in Dubai in 2015.


My professional and personal plan is to enter the domain of short movies and visual 

arts that shed light on the many social and cultural issues in post-revolution Syria. I 

hope to be able to contribute positively and critically in the debate about the 

post-war society, the rebuilding efforts, public issues, and to help in building a 

critical democratic culture of which artistic creation and production is essential.


And all arts play a crucial role in such process, especially that Syria lacked this 

kind of contribution from the artistic field in the past. On the personal level, my plan 

is to work on perfecting both my photography skills, visual scene, and get a 

university degree in new media arts.

My point is sharing my works in several countries with different cultures and attitudes 

and that's the main objective of the all exhibitions which I intend to do in the future.


My art includes surrealism, abstraction, symbolism .in my last project “scissors” I 

took so many ideas surrounding us visibility, but in my photography I made it invisibly, 

to let the Viewer taking the idea by itself from the scene.

My real point, the truth behind my conceptual art for sure is very personal-social 

in the same scene.  Finally, my work its way to explain myself in artistic way.



【方向 未来 Pulse of the Future





文章:阿拉 赫美迪  Ala Hmedy


翻译:BYICAA翻译之家   师夏青

BYICAA CSR Research Center

Editor: Hyejin LEE

Article:  Ala Hmedy   

Text arrangement: Zhirong YANG   

Translation: Translators of BYICAA     Xiaqing SHI




文章来源:北京青年国际文化艺术协会  发布日期:2017/7/4  本文被浏览了3946次



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