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Creative D.I.Y. 创新D.I.Y.



地点:比利时 那慕尔

主办单位:KEA 欧洲事务处



b.creative》是《创意追踪数字平台the Creative Tracks digital platform》发起的项目,此由欧盟资助。项目旨在连接全球年轻富有创造力的企业家。它已经受益于1200左右网络的参与者并支持世界各地的创意产业。多元化作为一个连续的灵感来源是此次项目的核心。《b.creative》是展示创新产业的国际互联网平台。《b.creative》是一个全球性关注创意部门的多元性及其促进社会和经济的创新能力,将艺术家、创意专业人士、企业家、文化机构、孵化器,全球创意中心的集群。以考虑如何最好地支持创新创业、创新通过网络促进国际合作。

b. creative 

The First International Forum of the Industry Innovation 

and Network Exposition in Belgium

Time: 2 - 3 November 2016 
Location:  Namur, Belgium 
Organizer: KEA European Affairs 
Co-funded by EU

b.creative" is a project initiated by “the Creative Tracks digital platform” and funded by the European Union. Aim to connect the young and creative entrepreneurs in the 

world, the project has benefited to about 1200 network participants and supported 

creative industries around the world. As a continuous source of inspiration, 

diversification is the core of this project. "b.creative" is an international network 

platform for the display of innovative industries. Focusing on the diversity of the creative sector and its ability to promote social and economic innovation around the world, "b.creative" is a group who concentrate the artists, creative professionals, 

entrepreneurs, cultural institution and incubators, proposing the method to support      

innovation and entrepreneurship in the best way and the international cooperation 

through the network innovation.

文章来源:北京青年国际文化艺术协会  发布日期:2016/11/2  本文被浏览了3008次



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