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Creative D.I.Y. 创新D.I.Y.

The 2019 ICT Korea-China ICT Innovation Plaza  

2019 中韩ICT创新企业合作论坛暨洽谈 

△时      间:2019.05.15(周三) 9:00~17:30

△地      点:北京凯宾斯基饭店3层(朝阳区亮马桥路50号)

△主      办 : 大韩贸易投资振兴公社北京代表处(KOTRA)

△协      办:中国国际贸易促进委员会(中国技术投资贸易香港有限公司) 


△规      模:中国创新领域创新合作企业及投资机构等200多家,韩国创新企业44家

△活动内容:优秀ICT企业1:1洽谈会, 智慧城市论坛,韩国创新技术论坛

△领       域:智慧城市,物联网,人工智能,大数据,智能机器人,健康医疗,投资商(VC

Last week our team attend the 2019 ICT Korea-China ICT Innovation Plaza 

to  meet with a number of Korean Tech Business and discuss further 

Chinese-Korean Trade. The overall event was a great success, and we were 

able to make substantial progress with a number of different businesses.

Enabling International Trade with China is a huge part of our work, and 

events such as these are essential to building the role of a civil society in 

China. This is rooted in one of BYICAA’s four main values – Innovation. 

As an organisation, we want to build relationships with these innovative 

businesses so that they can continue to contribute to development in China.

These businesses spanned across multiple sectors in the Tech industry, 

ranging from Artists Card Inc., a free classical music platform built around 

music that is no longer in copyright, to Staping, a ground-breaking new AI 

search engine that allows users to reliably search using visual images rather 

than text or file name. All of the business we met were impressively 

innovative, their plans for growth into Chinese markets were equally 

impressive.  [You can read more about each of them by following the 

links at the  bottom of this article]

Overall though, what is clear most of all is that the potential for 

international  businesses here in China is huge. We must continue to 

build relationships  with these innovative businesses, and we hope that, 

in time to come, you will  see more of them here in China.


Artists Card Inc (www.classicalmanager.com)

Staping (www.staping.co.kr/)

SOVS (www.itunes.apple.com/us/app/sovs-composition-camera/id1326747827?mt=8)

FunnyEve (www.funnyeve-store.com/about)

ETRI  (www.etri.re.kr/)

LiveRE (www.livere.com)

Attractt (www.attractt.com) 

北京青年国际文化艺术协会企业社会责任研究中心(BYICAA CSR Research Center)          

文章 Article:小柯(Theo Crouch), Intern of BYICAA

文字翻译 Translation:BYICAA翻译之家 (Translators of BYICAA )  

发布日期:2019/5/20  本文被浏览了2739次



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       Beijing Youth International Culture and Arts Association       
Address:  1-3 Fuhao village Industrial Park,Tongzhou District, Beijing, China 


 Email:  office@byicaa.com