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2017年7月29日在风景秀丽的北京宽沟会议中心成功举办 “一带一路”2017北京国际钓鱼友谊赛。参加本次活动的32名运动员来自中国、美国、英国、俄罗斯、韩国、意大利、西班牙、巴基斯坦、加拿大、以色列、摩尔多瓦11个国家。

本次活动由北京市钓鱼协会、北京青年国际文化艺术协会和有线数字电视《四海钓鱼》频道共同主办。北京宽沟会议中心、威海科尼渔具有限公司、中渔科尼(北京)休闲文化产业发展有限公司、威海皮尔钓具有限公司、锦绣鱼拓书画院、静水鱼拓工作室 、北京国汇丰原商贸有限公司提供支持,并由北京电视台体育频道、《中国体育报》、《北京晚报》、《四海钓鱼》频道、【去钓鱼】App提供媒体支持。出席本次开幕式的嘉宾有北京市钓鱼协会主席刘兴忠,北京市钓鱼协会副主席兼秘书长刘京书及各位领导,北京青年国际文化艺术协会会长王皆,2017北京青年国际文化艺术协会钓鱼赛事总监Oliver Wessely (卫思礼)及各位领导,有线数字电视《四海钓鱼》频道总编邵敬贤。刘兴忠主席和总监Oliver Wessely为本次活动鸣枪开赛。






本次比赛分为手竿和路亚2个项目。经过上下午两场友谊赛,最终中国队王洁以总重量10.85公斤赢得第一名,来自以色列Dafna Gargir,巴基斯坦Kainat Ali,英国Richard Bishop,加拿大Michael Zhu和意大利使馆官员Giovanni Cumbo分获第二至第六名。活动在友好的气氛中圆满落幕。俄罗斯卫星通讯社在第一时间报道了本次活动。



“The Belt and Road”
2017 Beijing International Friendly Fishing Competition


‘The Belt and Road’2017 Beijing International Friendly Fishing Competition took 

place at Beijing Kuangou Conference Center on 29th July 2017. Sun shone 

smoothly over the beautiful scenery there when 32 athletes joined together, 

who came from 11 nations, including China, America, Britain, Russia, Korea, 

Italy, Spain, Pakistan, Canada, Israel and Moldavia.


This event was co-organized by Beijing Angling Association, Beijing Youth 

International Culture and Arts Association and Digital Cable TVFishing World

Channel, sponsored by Beijing Kuangou Conference   Center  Weihai  CRONY

Fishing Tackle Co.,Ltd, China Fishery CRONY (Beijing) Leisure Culture Industry

Development Co.,Ltd, Weihai Pier Fishing Tackle Co.,Ltd, Jinxiu Yuta Academy of

Painting and Calligraphy, Jingshui Gyotaku Studio, Beijing Guohuifengyuan 

Commercial and Trading Co.,Ltd, reported by BTV Sports Channel, CHINA SPORT

DAILY, Beijing Evening News, Fishing World》Channel, Go FishingApp.


Guests present at the opening ceremony included Mr. Xingzhong Liu the president 

of Beijing Angling Association, Mr. Jingshu Liu the vice president and secretary 

general of Beijing Angling Association, Mr. Jie Wang the chairman of Beijing Youth

International Culture and Arts Association, Mr. Oliver Wessely the chief inspector 

of this fishing competition, Mr. Jingxian Shao the chief editor ofFishing World》

Channel. President Liu and Mr. Oliver Wessely fired a shot as an opening signal of 

the competition.

As one of the core sponsors, Mr. Jie Wang, the chairman of Beijing Youth 

International Culture and Arts Association, said that this competition is keen to 

reinforce the mutual communication and cooperation in fishing sports between

Chinese and foreigners in Beijing, expand capital’s sports advantage to further 

develop the fishing sports program in response to the request of ‘The Belt and 

Road’ construction.


Mr. Jie Wang added that there exist a large group of amateurs in Russia who are 

proficient with angling, especially well-experienced in sea fishing and ice fishing. 

Beijing welcomes more Russians to share their angling experience and the

association will organize trips to Russia for angling amateurs in Beijing, providing 

a decent platform for amateurs of both nations to build friendship and learn from 

each other.


This competition consisted of lure fishing games and hand pole fishing games. 

After two rounds settled in the morning and the afternoon, Mr. Jie Wang of 

Chinese team took away the gold with a total fish weight of 10.85 kilograms, 

Dafna Gargir of  Israel finished runner-up, followed by Kainat Ali of Pakistan, 

Richard Bishop of Britain, Michael Zhu of Canada and Giovanni Cumbo, 

a stuff of Italian ambassy.


Surrounded by a harmonious atmosphere, the event ended up a success. Sputnik 

news agency reported it the first time.




翻译:BYICAA翻译之家   张悦

BYICAA CSR Research Center
Editor: Hyejin LEE
Text arrangement: Zhirong YANG   
Translation: Translators of BYICAA     Yue ZHANG 
文章来源:北京青年国际文化艺术协会  发布日期:2017/7/29  本文被浏览了3672次


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