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Culture and Arts 文化艺术活动

《方向·未来 Pulse of the Future 1 中国国家主题展




协办:美国大学(American University)

    乔治城大学(Georgetown University)


展览简介《方向·未来 Pulse of the Future》是北京青年国际文化艺术协会推出的一项艺术家扶持与发展计划,目的是通过国际性的交流活动使青年艺术家建立自己的方向,并寻找到国际合作的艺术项目。为艺术家提供一个成长平台。

   美国大学位于我国首都华盛顿特区的大使馆区,“在其位,谋其责”,它肩负着国际性的使命,致力于社会、政治和艺术的参与。本次由美国大学美术馆举办的介绍中国艺术家的展览方向·未来 Pulse of the Future”即展现了这种使命。携手北京青年国际文化艺术协会中国当代艺术的王皆先生,以及来自乔治敦大学艺术家和学者文凡刚先生,我们隆重推出新一代中国艺术家的开疆辟土之作。美术馆和政府机构是保存和保护公认观点的场所。在这样一个美术馆之城,政府机关之城,我们的工作是质疑过去,想象现在中国的当代艺术在我们的文化对话中占有举足轻重的一席之地。

《Pulse of the Future 1》 National Theme Pavilion of China

Time: 12 September- 18 October 2015
Location: Katzen Arts Center, Washington,
Organizer: BYICAA
                   American University Museum  Katzen Arts Center

《Pulse of the Future 1》is a plan of support and development for artists held by

 BYICAA. Its aim is to provide a platform for the development of young artists through 

the international exchange activities that assist them to build their own development

direction, and seeking more opportunities of joining international co-operative art 


American University, located at the top of Embassy Row in our Nation’s Capital,

Washington, DC, takes its location seriously. It has an international mission, and a

commitment to social, political, and artistic engagement. These aspirations are 

well-served by the Museum’s hosting of Pulse of the Future, an exhibition of art by 

rising Chinese artists. Working in collaboration with Jie WANG(王皆) of the Beijing Youth International Culture and Arts Association Contemporary Chinese Art, and artist and scholar B. G. Muhn (文凡刚)of Georgetown University, we are presenting the 

next generation of Chinese artists staking their claim for artistic precedence. In a city of museums and governmental institutions that preserve and protect the received 

view, our job is to question the past and imagine a present where Chinese 

contemporary art has an important place in our cultural conversation.

文章来源:北京青年国际文化艺术协会  发布日期:2015/10/18  本文被浏览了3103次



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