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新年• 心声• 新生--全国首届癫痫患儿才艺大赛


    国际癫痫关爱日 癫痫防治大会组委会








活动简介:2016年1月2日新年伊始,为了丰富癫痫患者生活,帮助癫痫患者树立生活信心,摆脱病痛带来的心理阴影,让癫痫患者及癫痫儿童接受科学规范治疗、在寒假期间轻松愉快治好癫痫、开开心心过一个新年,北京青年国际文化艺术协会、国际癫痫关爱日ž癫痫防治大会组委会、北京军海医院共同举办了一场特殊的才艺活动“新年·心声·新生——首届癫痫患儿才艺大赛”公益活动。 参赛节目有诗歌朗诵、绘画、歌唱、舞蹈等等。 我国约有900多万癫痫患者,其中儿童及青少年占很大比重。因为种种原因,这些不幸罹患癫痫的青少年,有近60%没能接受正规的治疗,他们纯真的心灵在抗癫痫的路上挣扎,却从未放弃对未知世界的求索,他们就像折翅的天使,身患疾病,却和所有正常孩童一样追寻各自的梦想。为了传递正能量、助力癫痫患者康复,本活动癫痫患儿的才艺得到专业老师的评价和指导,获得相应的资金和荣誉鼓励,让其以阳光积极的心态战胜疾病,迎接新生活,共圆癫痫患儿艺术之梦

New Year • Aspiration • Renascence - 

the First National Talent Contest of Epileptic Children 
Time:  02 January 2016
Location:  Beijing Junhai Hospital
Organizer:  BYICAA CSR Research Center
                    International Epileptic Care Day Committee of 
                    Conference of the Prevention of Epileptic Beijing Junhai Hospital 

Beijing Junhai Hospital Content of Talent contest:  dance, singing, poetry, painting,


Participants: epileptic patients (children and students, sex not limited; family can                                             perform together) 

From the beginning of the new year, on 2nd January 2016, Beijing Youth International Culture and Arts Association, International Epileptic Care Day Committee of Conference of the 

Prevention of Epileptic and Beijing Junhai Hospital organized a special talent activity called 

"New Year • Aspiration • Renascence - the First National Talent Contest of Epileptic Children" 

in order to enrich epileptic patients’ life, to help epileptic patients to establish confidence in 

life, to get rid of psychological shadow brought by the disease, so that epileptic patients and   epileptic children can receive the scientific and standardized treatment, cure epilepsy during 

the winter vacation in relaxe and have a new year in a good emotion. Poetry recitation, 

painting, singing, dancing, etc. are on the program. There are about 9 million epilepsy 

patients, in which occupy a large part of children and teenager in China. For various reasons, nearly 60% of these unfortunately epilepsy adolescents fail to accept the formal treatment. 
Their mind is struggled on the path of epilepsy, but they never give up the quest for the 

unknown world. They are like angels with incomplete wings: they pursue their dream like all 

the normal children thought suffering the disease. In order to transfer positive energy, to help rehabilitation of epilepsy patients, epilepsy children of this activity have gotten the evaluation and guidance of the professional teacher, acquire reward of funds and honor, overcome the 

disease with the positive attitude, meet the new life and make the art dream of epilepsy 

children come true.

文章来源:北京青年国际文化艺术协会  发布日期:2016/1/2  本文被浏览了3070次



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       Beijing Youth International Culture and Arts Association       
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