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Solo Exhibition 个展


WhereaboutsWang Jie Solo Exhibition




Faced with the World and the Product of Human Beings


Chinese artist----WANG Jie shows the public some fine photography, painting  and

installation works in his Diamond Sutra series. Having imprints the Buddhist 

scriptures---Diamond Sutra on 5169 pieces of Qingtian stone, WANG Jie has placed 

and photographed those seals and also printed them on paper with Vermilion inkpad, 

from which the head portraits of the leaders of various countries like MAO Zedong, 

HUA Guofeng, HU Jintao, KIM JongIi, etc, could be seen indistinctly. Besides, with the 

help of the combination between those seals and the corresponding interpret of 

Chinese, English, and Korean text versions, Mr. WANG explains the Buddha’s creeds 

by the way of folding and binding in China. In virtue of the traditional aesthetics, Mr.

WANG’s works make a connection between the essence of Buddhism and modern 

politics and civilization. Furthermore, it also reflects that as an objective reality, 

knowledge, after people’s selective use, sometimes may lead us into a wrong 

direction and sometimes may present a color of right.




Magazine <GALLERY> June 2013

Editor: DENG Junhua

翻译:BYICAA翻译之家  魏梦璐

Translation: Translators of BYICAA     Menglu WEI

文章来源:北京青年国际文化艺术协会  发布日期:2017/8/31  本文被浏览了1424次


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