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BYICAA International Artist Residency Program 国际艺术家驻留项目


(Glogau AIR)国际艺术家驻留项目


工作室开放及展览2017922- 23


第二期艺术家:李大伟, 米林


2017 BYICAA -Glogau AIR International Artist Residency Project


Second period Artist: Dawei LI, Lin Mi



The Memory of China and Germany

- TheEggs of 110 the Yellow River Mothers

米林(左边), 李大伟(右边)

李大伟是一位电影制作人和摄影师,他的作品专注于揭露流于真实表面之下的不真实。米林是一位通过手机设备、数码相机和模拟摄像机进行图像记录的摄影师。借由此次与北京青年国际文化艺术协会的合作,他们凭借作品《中国与德国的记忆——110颗黄河母亲的卵子》参与到Glogau AIR的驻留项目。这个项目以一座拥有110年历史的,极具象征性的中山桥为出发点,这座桥不仅作为一种日常需求连接着河两岸的兰州人民,它也不断提醒着人们当年为建起这座大桥,中德两国共同付出的携手努力。从中山桥建成以来,人们从河里捡来石头作为纪念品,或是将其用于建造材料。两位艺术家试图通过重现脉络的方式,在这个项目中探索这些看似无关紧要的石头以及长久以来依附于它们之上的个人和集体意义。

艺术家 米林

兰州至柏林 7586.7公里






-李大伟, 米林

艺术家  李大伟


Dawei LI is a filmmaker and photographer focused on unveiling the

unreality contained in the real world and Lin MI is a photographer

working with images produced using mobile devices, as well as 

digital and analogue camera. Thanks to the collaboration with 

Beijing Youth International Culture and Arts Association, they are

taking part in Glogau AIR residency with The Memory of China and

Germany - The Eggs of 110 the Yellow River Mothers(中国与德国

的记忆——110颗黄河母亲的卵子). This project departs from the 

history of the 110 year-old Zhongshan bridge, which is particularly

symbolic, for it has not only been connecting on a daily basis the 

two shores of city of Lanzhou, as it is also a reminder of the joint

efforts of Germany and China, essential to building the bridge. 

Since then, the stones from the river have been collected as

souvenirs, or used as building materials. With the current project, 

the artists’ intent is to explore the re-contextualization process that

these relatively insignificant stones go through and the significant

personal and collective meanings that become attached to them.


(BYICAA CSR Research Center)



(Translators of BYICAA)





文章来源:北京青年国际文化艺术协会  发布日期:2017/10/30  本文被浏览了1391次


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